Contact Us

Name of the Association: Indigenous Mothers of Good Heart Association (IMGHA)
Chairman of IMGHA Association: Mrs. Wuzor Gloria Furo
Secretary of IMGHA Association: Mrs. Gilbert Emelia Nte



List of Fellow Trustee Members of IMGHA:

1.  Justina Ogolo
2.  Augusta Alawari Jumbo
3.  Kamba Ikiba Opene Kuna
4.  Emelia Nte Gilbert
5.  Patience Iriwangi Victor
6.  Sarah Otobera Ogolo

Registered Office Address of IMGHA: 
De-Great Devine Solution Chambers, Niger Bay House, 74, Ikwere Road, Mile II, Diobu, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. 

Mobile Phones: 

+234 9035708765
+234 8030592891

+91 7798911272

Email Id:

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